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Project 7188


Women's health care experience with Pre-eclampsia / Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP):  are the experiences and care received differ for women living in rural and remote regions of South Australia? 


This project has been approved by Research Development and Support committee Flinders University,
Project ID: 7188

Thank you for expressing your interest in this research study about women's health.

We would like your help with a study being conducted by researchers from Flinders University.  The research project aims to understand the knowledge and experiences of women who were diagnosed with Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy (HDP) including preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, chronic hypertension and superimposed preeclampsia, in South Australia (SA) in the last five years.


Your stories will help us to understand women's health care services, and help to contribute to a bigger picture regarding women's health. This will help to inform future women's health care practice, and if different approaches are needed for women living in rural and remote regions of South Australia.  With the findings, we would like to provide recommendations in improving the knowledge and care pathway for women with a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy.  Also, we would like to develop recommendations in the appropriate prevention activities or resources in reducing the likelihood of developing other health conditions later in life, including kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes because of having the condition. 


What is involved? What we are asking is for you to share your experiences, knowledge and care received when you had a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy or preeclampsia in South Australia with one of our researchers. 


Participation is entirely voluntary and involves about 1 hour of your time. We are doing the interviews online using MS Teams. 


To register your interest in participating, or to find out more about the study, you can complete this form with your details, including your name and phone number or email address and we will contact you.


You can view a digital copy of our Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form, which is available here to download:

Participant Information Sheet:

Information Sheet PE HDP experiences.pdf

Consent Form 

Consent Form.pdf


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